DESCRIPTION: Be careful crossing the road to the north side of the canyon.
If you would like to see HIDDEN FALLS, a dry trail is found by scrambling around the large rock, counterclockwise. Please remember that this is a Watershed Area. No dogs, no wading, and no washing in the water. This is our drinking water!
MILL B NORTHFORK, begins by going up some Grand Canyon staircase. The first climb is steep & more Intermediate. You'll get some great views of the S Curve as you begin switchbacking.
You'll drop over the hill and follow a bubbling stream. Huge rocks and forest make this a wonderful setting entering the Mount Olympus Wilderness area.
After climbing more switchbacks, you'll head south to the canyon edge. As the trail turns east, you'll find a large trail leading to the rocky overlook with steep exposure. This is the Big Cottonwood Overlook.
TRAILHEAD: North side of the S Curve in Big Cottonwood Canyon.
HIKE TIME: 2 hours
MILEAGE: 1 1/2 mile est. to overlook
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